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Raven       9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks 3-10-2012 3:03 PM
so I put this on windows Internet explorer and came up with this
Found about 29,000 videos

so i tried again and found this
Saturday Night Live Transcripts

Season 22: Episode 1

96a: Tom Hanks / Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

The Roxbury Guys

Steve Butabi.....Will Ferrell
Doug Butabi.....Chris Kattan
Fellow Roxbury Guy.....Tom Hanks

Music: “What is Love” by Haddaway.

[Open to 921 E. 15th St. Apt. 3B, outside, 9:00 PM]

[Cut to the Roxbury Brothers bathroom, in which Steve, Doug, and their fellow member are bopping their heads while brushing their teeth. They turn around, spit out the mix of water and toothpaste, and wipe their mouths with towels, which they throw away soon after. They then spray their hair with hairspray, and blow-dry it. Steve sprays hair gel everywhere, and they leave]

[Cut to a busy New York street at 10:00 PM, with the Roxbury Guys bopping their heads while walking. On the way, they see a beggar with 3 buckets. The Roxbury Guys take them, and do John Travolta's strut from "Saturday Night Fever" as The Bee Gees' "Staying Alive" plays. As they are about to enter the subway, they throw the buckets, and “What is Love” starts playing again. They then walk down the stairs to the subway train]

[Cut to the outside of Train #1, 10:05 PM]

[Cut to the inside of Train #1, with the 3 Roxbury Guys bopping their heads; Steve has a boom box with him, which is playing “What is Love”]

[A fat African American man walks in, and stares at Steve strangely. The music stops. As the man leaves, the music turns back on again, and the guys continue to bop their heads.]

[Cut to the outside-front of Train #1]

Cut to The China Club, 10:15 PM]

[Cut to the inside of the China Club, where everyone is dancing. Still dancing, they back away, and we see the Roxbury Guys, still bopping their heads. They turn around while drinking wine out of bottles.]

Doug Butabi: [Gets infront of the 3] Hey, hey! You wanna dance with us? You wanna dance with me, huh? No? Right… [Returns to the bar]

Steve Butabi: [Gets infront of the 3] Hey, you wanna dance? No? Okay!

Fellow Roxbury Guy: Hey! Haha! C’mon! You wanna dance with me? No? Okay.

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: [They see a woman come in, who has a glass of milk, and unexpectedly bounce her around with their chests. Her drink is splashing everywhere on the Guy’s clothes] HEY! YEAH! How ya doin’? Yeah!

Woman: [Panicking] Ahhh!!! [She runs off, screaming]

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: [mumbling happily to themselves, Thinking they scored]

Fellow Roxbury Guy: [Speaking gibberish, and pointing to where the woman left. They run over there, then the crowd dances into the screen and again]

[Cut to the door of the men’s bathroom]

[Cut inside the men’s bathroom, in which the Roxbury Guys are urinating while bopping their heads up and down. The woman from earlier appears and taps Steve’s back, and police officers come in, taking them away. They quickly zip their zippers up, yelling angrily]

[Cut to Midtown Precinct South, 11:30 PM]

[Cut to the inside of the station, in which old men, and our 3 Roxbury Guys are getting their mug shots taken, while bopping their heads, and turning them afterwards for side-profile shots]

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: Me? Him? No, me? Him? Me? Heh? Him? Me?

[Cut to a man with a teal shirt, handcuffed]

[Cut to Riker’s Island, (an island for prisoners), Midnight]

[Cut to the Guy’s prison cell, their heads still bopping]

[A police officers comes and unlocks their cell]

Doug Butabi: Hey! All right!

Steve Butabi: Yeah! Ha, all right!

Fellow Roxbury Guy: Me? Oh me? Yeah!

[The Fellow Guy and Steve leave the cell, but Doug is still left in there in the cell]

Doug Butabi: Heey! Wha, wha, wha, whaaat? [Fellow prisoners come in] Okay! Yeah! [Two fat prisoners bounce Doug around with their stomachs] Wha wha wha whaaaaat! Whoa, whoa! Aah!

[Fade to black]

Submitted by: Lonnie Fukuda

and this

SNL Episode Summary
9-28-96 Show

Host: Tom Hanks
Musical Guest: Tom Petty

Note: To see a picture of the event being described, click on the link.

[OPENING] ABC Newscast

Peter Jennings talks to Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, and Ross Perot. Bill Clinton is forecasted as an automatic winner. Bob Dole keeps falling off the stage. Ross keeps interrupting and gets scolded by Jennings. LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!!!

Clinton: "Sure I inhaled, then I exhaled, and inhaled again. I filled a scuba tank with pot smoke and swam the English Channel."


Tom talks about not winning another Oscar and gives his planned acceptance speech for his third Oscar.

"It's great to be back with Lorne since I avoided him like the plague while the show sucked."

[COMMERCIAL] Big Brawn Sanitary Napkins

Molly Shannon: "It's like a big friendly Lumberjack between your knees."

[SKETCH] 3 Head Shakin' Guys

The sketch starts in the guys' apartment where they are brushing their teeth. They walk down the street while "Stayin' Alive" plays. On the subway they try not to look silly in front of people. At the China Club they do their usual routine and go to the bathroom where they are at urinals when they are arrested. In the line-up in jail they bob their heads. At Riker's Island one guy is stuck in the cell and he is given the slam dance that the 3 guys usually do.


[Sketch] Goat-Boy hosts Remember the 80's

They say Goat-Boy was created at a lab and was made to host MTV's "Hey Remember the 80's." Jim Breuer plays Goat-Boy who makes goat noises during his speech. He has on his show The Other Guy from Whaaaam, and tries to eat his scarf. He then has Tina Yothers on and they talk about old 80's items. He then has on "The Refrigerator" and he sings "The Superbowl Shuffle."

Goat-Boy: "Relax don't AHHH when you wanna AHHH EAWWW"


[Sketch] Spartan Cheerleaders

The cheerleaders are psyched because they are going to make the real squad. During the sketch they do the usual Spartans routine until a Ping Pong player comes and tells them they didn't make it. They are sad until the Spartan Spirit cheers them up.

"Who's that Spartan who inspired me?" "It's ME!!"


[CARTOON] The Ambigouously Gay Duo

The Ambigouously Gay Duo try to stop a profesor from conquering the world. While defeating the evil villians they exhibit gay behavior which bothers the villians.



Bits: MTV VJ Kincaid and Kerri & Kippy Strug

Norm- 20,000 Turkish Troops attacked Kurdish rebels. The Kurdish fired back with their "clump of dirt"

Norm- A 2.5 mile barrier was erected on the Mexican border in an effort to make illegal immigrants walk an extra 2.5 miles.

Norm- Macaulay Calkin who is 16 cannot be in Home Alone 3 unless they make the character retarded.


Musical Preformance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Song: ????


[Sketch] Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Jay has a man on his show who keeps exotic creatures. He unveils the Missing Link in evolution "Mr. Peepers." Mr Peepers tries to an apple and ends up getting it all over the place. He jumps on Andie McDowell and has to be restrained.

Jay: "I'll bet He's cleaner than Courtney Love."


[Sketch] Creativity Test

Tim Meadows gives a guya test who is very mad about the misplacement of his computer. During the word test he keeps making things difficult until he is forced to be creative. He goes into a big story which convinces Meadows to move his computer.


Musical Preformance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Song: ????


[Sketch] The Drunken Asses

A group of people called the Drunken Asses sing great songs. But they only sing the part you know.

Goodnight Everybody!!

Episode Summary by Bob Williams


ZicamE 4-14-2012 12:14 PM
You can feel the magic that must have been in the air that day
beautiful read
MCvictor 5-5-2012 11:18 AM
not to long ago saw Joe and the volcano
Pana 5-12-2012 09:34 AM
Not sure is anybody post this yet re - 9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks
so here it goes with only tonight's show and
then next weekends SNL the 2011 - 2012 season will be over

strange - Roxbury is called - 3 Head Shakin' Guys in this?

hope this helps
SNL Episode Summary
9-28-96 Show

Host: Tom Hanks
Musical Guest: Tom Petty

Note: To see a picture of the event being described, click on the link.

[OPENING] ABC Newscast

Peter Jennings talks to Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, and Ross Perot. Bill Clinton is forecasted as an automatic winner. Bob Dole keeps falling off the stage. Ross keeps interrupting and gets scolded by Jennings. LIVE FROM NEW YORK IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!!!

Clinton: "Sure I inhaled, then I exhaled, and inhaled again. I filled a scuba tank with pot smoke and swam the English Channel."


Tom talks about not winning another Oscar and gives his planned acceptance speech for his third Oscar.

"It's great to be back with Lorne since I avoided him like the plague while the show sucked."

[COMMERCIAL] Big Brawn Sanitary Napkins

Molly Shannon: "It's like a big friendly Lumberjack between your knees."

[SKETCH] 3 Head Shakin' Guys

The sketch starts in the guys' apartment where they are brushing their teeth. They walk down the street while "Stayin' Alive" plays. On the subway they try not to look silly in front of people. At the China Club they do their usual routine and go to the bathroom where they are at urinals when they are arrested. In the line-up in jail they bob their heads. At Riker's Island one guy is stuck in the cell and he is given the slam dance that the 3 guys usually do.


[Sketch] Goat-Boy hosts Remember the 80's

They say Goat-Boy was created at a lab and was made to host MTV's "Hey Remember the 80's." Jim Breuer plays Goat-Boy who makes goat noises during his speech. He has on his show The Other Guy from Whaaaam, and tries to eat his scarf. He then has Tina Yothers on and they talk about old 80's items. He then has on "The Refrigerator" and he sings "The Superbowl Shuffle."

Goat-Boy: "Relax don't AHHH when you wanna AHHH EAWWW"


[Sketch] Spartan Cheerleaders

The cheerleaders are psyched because they are going to make the real squad. During the sketch they do the usual Spartans routine until a Ping Pong player comes and tells them they didn't make it. They are sad until the Spartan Spirit cheers them up.

"Who's that Spartan who inspired me?" "It's ME!!"


[CARTOON] The Ambigouously Gay Duo

The Ambigouously Gay Duo try to stop a profesor from conquering the world. While defeating the evil villians they exhibit gay behavior which bothers the villians.



Bits: MTV VJ Kincaid and Kerri & Kippy Strug

Norm- 20,000 Turkish Troops attacked Kurdish rebels. The Kurdish fired back with their "clump of dirt"

Norm- A 2.5 mile barrier was erected on the Mexican border in an effort to make illegal immigrants walk an extra 2.5 miles.

Norm- Macaulay Calkin who is 16 cannot be in Home Alone 3 unless they make the character retarded.


Musical Preformance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Song: ????


[Sketch] Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Jay has a man on his show who keeps exotic creatures. He unveils the Missing Link in evolution "Mr. Peepers." Mr Peepers tries to an apple and ends up getting it all over the place. He jumps on Andie McDowell and has to be restrained.

Jay: "I'll bet He's cleaner than Courtney Love."


[Sketch] Creativity Test

Tim Meadows gives a guya test who is very mad about the misplacement of his computer. During the word test he keeps making things difficult until he is forced to be creative. He goes into a big story which convinces Meadows to move his computer.


Musical Preformance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Song: ????


[Sketch] The Drunken Asses

A group of people called the Drunken Asses sing great songs. But they only sing the part you know.

Goodnight Everybody!!

Episode Summary by Bob Williams



10/05/96 Lisa Kudrow
09/28/96 Tom Hanks
10/26/96 Dana Carvey
11/02/96 Chris Rock
11/16/96 Robert Downey Jr.
11/23/96 Phil Hartman
12/14/96 Rosie O'Donnell

1/11/97 Kevin Spacey
1/18/97 David Alan Grier
2/22/97 Alec Baldwin
balipsy 5-19-2012 5:53 PM
this was great, going on 17 years
AFInus SepalE 9-15-2012 12:04 PM
To start the new season – 9/15/2012

Matt Snow 9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks

Peter Austin Noto By Matt Snow
9 28 1996 Peters 1st Show on SNL w Tom Hanks

September 28, 1996 Peter Works His First Show And Season Premier On Saturday Night Live
With Host Tom Hanks Dancing With Tom In The Roxbury Scene
As Peter Austin Noto's main biographer I interviewed Peter
during the summer of 2011 regarding the first show Peter ever worked on
Saturday Night Live

We are only 3 days away from the first show of the 2011- 2012 Saturday Night Live season
so I figured it would be a good time to share this


Matt Snow:
What was it like Peter

Peter Austin Noto:
It was very exciting. for years I tried getting on Saturday Night Live but to no avail
Finally I took a workshop then run by Ryan Shiraki SNL's casting person at the time.
my audition was BANG I nailed it. this was May 1996 with only one more show left
for that season, Jim Carrey was the host for that last show.

At the end of the class Ryan Shiraki informed everyone that nobody would work the last show
of the season and by the time September came around he will have forgotten everyone.

Matt Snow:
How did that make you feel Peter.

Peter Austin Noto:
I was pissed, maybe one of the finest comedy performances I had ever performed
(wish I had it on video tape) and it will amount to nothing.

Well the summer came and went and I honestly just forgot about Saturday Night Live and was just
working on the future. a call came from my service letting me know Saturday Night Live has called
for work and please call them back.

I screamed with joy, fist pumps . yeah ...YEAH....YEAH...
may have been one of the most exciting moments for me business wise

Matt Snow:
How was that first show

Peter Austin Noto:
It has been almost 16 or 17 years so hard to remember getting there
Now back then before 911 it was much easier just to go around the SNL studios

I can remember being in the area where food was served and there was Tom Hanks
so like a spy im checking out the side of his head neck, I think we said hello he was just
like you have seen him on TV ...... a real nice guy.

Matt Snow:
What was next

Peter Austin Noto:
I was cast in more then one scene and I can not remember the 2nd scene but I was in
The Roxbury Scene and at the time was very popular scene with everybody dancing

and a real catch E song "What is Love..Don't Hurt Me" was one of the catch E hooks
Not sure of the name of the song but from time to time you still hear it.

Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell were always in the scene just remember having so much fun
and the excitement of a live show. the set is a little cool most likely keep everybody
awake and to me there's always a mint kind of smell to the studio, it's a good smell
but even today the minute I get off the elevator at 8H there it is ... sweet !!

Matt Snow:
Anything else Pete

Peter Austin Noto:
Yes yes yes, that first show as myself and the other actors in the scene are waiting to get
the signal to go on the stage all of a sudden I see Lorne Michael's ...and I can not believe it
and Im just staring again like that Tom Hanks once over

The next thing I realize all the actors have gone on the stage floor to get ready for the scene
and Im just standing there starring at Lorne Michael's so I just run onto the stage floor
plus I have no idea where I am going maybe I have 30 to 60 seconds to get my place on stage,
well it all worked out.

I know there are bits of tape on my website of me dancing and a few photo's but it was wonderful

To think Im still around working on Saturday Night Live 17 years later is amazing

Matt Snow:
Peter thank you for sharing this with me

Peter Austin Noto:
Thank you Matt Snow, wouldn't it be something if in another 17 years im still working on
Saturday Night Live

I imagine that would be a good thing...........?!-***

Matt Snow:
This is on Peter Austin Noto IMDb:
Peter Austin Noto ... Various Characters / ... (84 episodes, 1996-2011)
it should read 86 episodes.....but whose counting
just check the SNL list for the 84 count.....
posted on September 22, 2011...

AFInus SepalE

CrazyAboutPeter       it was show 1 in the 22nd season 9-22-2012 10:08 AM
Saturday Night Live - The Twenty-Second Season
Tom Hanks, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (9/28/1996)
Lisa Kudrow, Sheryl Crow (10/5/1996)
Bill Pullman, New Edition (10/19/1996)
Dana Carvey, Dr. Dre (10/26/1996)
Chris Rock, The Wallflowers (11/2/1996)
Phil Hartman, Bush (11/23/1996)
Martin Short, No Doubt (12/7/1996)
Rosie O'Donnell, Whitney Houston (12/14/1996)
Kevin Spacey, Beck (1/11/1997)
David Alan Grier, Snoop Doggy Dog (1/18/1997)
Neve Campbell, David Bowie (2/8/1997)
Chevy Chase, Live (2/15/1997)
Alec Baldwin, Howard Stern, Tina Turner (2/22/1997)
Sting, Veruca Salt (3/15/1997)
Mike Myers, Aerosmith (3/22/1997)
Rob Lowe, Spice Girls (4/12/1997)
Pamela Lee, Rollins Band (4/19/1997)
John Goodman, Jewel (5/10/1997)
Jeff Goldblum, En Vogue (5/17/1997)
Motor       history 10-6-2012 10:21 AM
electric banana       on Peter Austin Noto IMDb this is the show 10-13-2012 12:44 PM
on Peter Austin Noto IMDb this is the show
Original Air Date:
28 September 1996 (Season 22, Episode 1)
Saturday Night Live" Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (1996)
User Rating:

2.8/10 25 votes »
Beth McCarthy-Miller
J.J. Sedelmaier

Cindy Caponera (writer)
Stephen Colbert (writer)
View company contact information for Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers on IMDbPro.
TV Series:
"Saturday Night Live" (1975)
Original Air Date:
28 September 1996 (Season 22, Episode 1)
Comedy | Music
Plot Keywords:
See more »
(Episode Cast)

Jim Breuer ... Various

Steve Carell ... Gary (voice) (as Steven Carell)

Bill Chott ... Announcer (voice)

Stephen Colbert ... Ace (voice)

Will Ferrell ... Various / Steve Butabi / Craig

Ana Gasteyer ... Various / Andie MacDowell

Darrell Hammond ... Various / Bill Clinton / Jay Leno

Tom Hanks ... Himself - Host / Peter Jennings / Roxbury Guy
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers ... Themselves - Musical Guest

Chris Kattan ... Various / Doug Butabi / Kippy Strug / Mr. Peepers

Norm MacDonald ... Various / Weekend Update Anchor / Bob Dole

Mark McKinney ... Various / Coach Bella

Tim Meadows ... Various

Tracy Morgan ... Various

Cheri Oteri ... Various / Ross Perot / Arianna

Don Pardo ... Himself - Announcer (voice)
Lenny Pickett ... Himself - Bandleader

Colin Quinn ... Various

Molly Shannon ... Various

Robert Smigel ... Various / Various Voices

Fred Wolf ... Various

Mike Kimmel ... Prisoner (uncredited)
Andy Murphy ... Old Suspect (uncredited)

Peter Austin Noto ... Various Characters (uncredited)

Ryan Shiraki ... Roxburry dancer (uncredited)

Kerri Strug ... Herself (uncredited)

Create a character page for:

Episode Crew

Directed by
Beth McCarthy-Miller
J.J. Sedelmaier (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Writing credits
(in alphabetical order)
Ross Abrash writer
David Breckman writer
Cindy Caponera writer
Robert Carlock writer
Stephen Colbert writer
James Downey writer
Hugh Fink writer
Tom Gianas writer
Tim Herlihy writer
Steve Higgins writer
Norm Hiscock writer
Adam McKay writer
Dennis McNicholas writer
Lorne Michaels writer
Lori Nasso writer
Paula Pell writer
Matt Piedmont writer
Colin Quinn writer
Frank Sebastiano writer
Robert Smigel writer
Andrew Steele writer
Scott Wainio writer
Fred Wolf writer

Produced by
Ken Aymong .... supervising producer
James Downey .... consulting producer (as Jim Downey)
James Downey .... producer: Weekend Update
Marci Klein .... associate producer
Lorne Michaels .... executive producer
Tanya Ryno .... line producer (film segments)
J.J. Sedelmaier .... producer (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
Michael Shoemaker .... associate producer
James Signorelli .... film segment producer
Robert Smigel .... producer (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Production Design by
Eugene Lee
Keith Raywood (as Keith Ian Raywood)
Akira Yoshimura

Art Direction by
Peter Baran

Costume Design by
Tom Broecker

Makeup Department
Francesca Buccellato .... makeup artist
Lisa Hazell .... hair stylist
Michael Maddi .... makeup artist (as Mike Maddi)
Jeffrey Rebelo .... wig stylist

Production Management
David Nickoll .... production manager: film unit

Art Department
Dan Bleier .... property master (as Frank)
Larry Demmler .... property master
Steve Demmler .... chief props
Joe Reilly .... chief carpenter

Visual Effects by
Tara Donnelly .... lead graphic designer

Brian Smyj .... stunt coordinator (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department
Philip Hymes .... lighting consultant (as Phil Hymes)
Norman Ng .... still photographer

Animation Department
Dean Lennert .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
J.J. Sedelmaier .... designer
David Wachtenheim .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
Tom Warburton .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Bruce Brumage .... wardrobe
J. Douglas James .... wardrobe
Margaret Karolyi .... wardrobe
Dale Richards .... wardrobe

Editorial Department
Katherine Babiak .... video tape
Ed Hinch .... video tape

Music Department
Lewis Del Gatto .... musical arranger
Cheryl Hardwick .... musical director
Lenny Pickett .... musical director
Hal Willner .... sketch music adaptations
John Zonars .... music supervisor

Other crew
Steven Cimino .... technical director
Wally Feresten .... cue cards
Stacey Foster .... technical consultant
James Kiernan .... production assistant: film unit

Series Crew
These people are regular crew members. Were they in this episode?

Directed by
Mike de Seve (Mike Judge's "Milton" series) (as Mike DeSeve)
Christopher Guest (film segments) (1984-1985)
Robert Smigel (segment "TV Funhouse") (1996-)

Writing credits
(in alphabetical order)
Gracie P. Aylward segment co-writer (as Patty 'Gracie' Aylward)
Steve Bannos guest writer
Barry W. Blaustein 1980-1983
Beth Cahill 1991-1992
Chris Cluess
Robert Cohen
Ian Edwards guest writer
Spike Feresten Seinfeld episode
Richard Goteri Weekend Update
Brad Hall 1982-1984
Stu Kreisman
Tim Meadows 1991-1993
Lorne Michaels creator
Dennis Miller 1985-1991 (uncredited)
David Misch 1984-1985
Mike Myers 1989-1993
Andrew Hill Newman
Gilda Radner 1975-1980
Lue Rennie
Mike Royce additional material
T. Sean Shannon 1996-
David Spade 1993-1996 (uncredited)
Peter Tauber
Scott Wainio 2006
Marc Weiner 1981 (uncredited)
Jim Wise guest writer (1998)

Produced by
Jim L. Clark .... animation producer: TV Funhouse (episode "Blue Christmas")
Audrey Peart Dickman .... producer (?-2002)
Merritt Duff .... associate producer
Lori Jo Hoekstra .... coordinating producer
Barbara Lieberman .... producer (1981-1984)
Pam Thomas .... producer (as Pamela Thomas)

Original Music by
Michael Z. Gordon
Charles Moore
Howard Shore

Cinematography by
Alexander Buono (5 seasons)

Film Editing by
Derek McCants (1985-1986)
Howard Silver

Set Decoration by
Lee Mayman

Makeup Department
Jennifer Aspinall .... makeup department head (1989-1991)
Andy Clement .... makeup artist
Robin Day .... hair stylist (1991-1995, 2000-2003)
Robin Day .... wig stylist (1991-1995, 2000-2003)
Valerie Gladstone-Appel .... hair stylist
Wanda Gregory .... hair stylist
Vivian Maxwell .... makeup artist (2003)
Theo Mayes .... makeup artist (1988-1991, various episodes)
Andrea Miller .... makeup artist
Peter Montagna .... makeup department head (1984-1989)
David Presto .... makeup artist
Adina Shore .... assistant hair stylist (1995)
Martel Thompson .... makeup artist
Gigi Williams .... makeup artist (1989-1990)
Louie Zakarian .... key makeup (1997-2002)
Louie Zakarian .... makeup department head (1997-2002)
Michael Marino .... prosthetic makeup artist (1998-2001) (uncredited)
Gabriella Pollino .... hair stylist (1989-1991) (uncredited)

Production Management
Kristian Forland .... assistant production manager
Tanya Ryno .... production supervisor: TV Funhouse/Commercial Parodies (1994-2000)
Will Shepard .... production manager: film unit

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Jim Bigham .... assistant director
Matthew Laurance .... assistant director (1977-1980)

Art Department
Peter Allburn .... scenic artist
Charles E. McCarry .... set designer (1982-1983)
Todd Rutt .... graphic artist
Robert Saccenti .... property master (segment "Bear City")

Sound Department
Leslie Carangi .... additional adr artist (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Kenneth Hunter .... sound recordist: film segments (1976-1977)
Robert Liftin .... sound consultant (1975-1987)
Daniel McIntosh .... production sound mixer: film segments (2001-)
Scott Schachter .... sound mixer (1975-1985)

Special Effects by
Vincent J. Guastini .... prosthetic makeup artist (1998-2000) (uncredited)

Nancy Ellen Anzalone .... stunt performer
Leslie Carangi .... second unit stunts (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Bob Colletti .... stunts
Edward Conna .... stunts
Jeffrey Lee Gibson .... stunt coordinator (multiple episodes)
Cort Hessler .... stunt driver: 2000
Jalil Jay Lynch .... stunts: 1998
Alex Wen .... stunts: 1998

Camera and Electrical Department
Leslie Carangi .... stand-in: on-camera (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Marc Karzen .... still photographer (1980-1990 uncredited)
Nate Ranger .... assistant camera
Michael Ruiz .... video controller

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Joseph La Corte .... costumer

Editorial Department
Kenneth Hunter .... assistant editor: film segments (1976-1977)

Music Department
Katreese Barnes .... musician: keyboards (2000-)
Thomas Barney .... musician: bass (1983-1985 and 1995-2000)
Ron Blake .... musician: baritone saxophone (2005-)
Lewis Del Gatto .... music arranger (1977-1979 and 1985-2005) (as Lew Del Gatto)
Lewis Del Gatto .... musician: saxophone (1977-1979, 1985-1995 and 1998-2005) (as Lew Del Gatto)
Lukasz Gottwald .... musician: guitar (1997-)
Cheryl Hardwick .... musical director (1986-2000)
Cheryl Hardwick .... musician: keyboards (1975-1980 and 1985-2000)
Howard Johnson .... conductor (1975-1980)
Howard Johnson .... musician: tuba (1975-1980)
Tom Malone .... musician: trombone (1975-1985)
Lou Marini .... musician: saxophone (1975-1983)
The Marketts .... musician
Robert Palladino .... music mixer (1985-1986)
Leon Pendarvis .... musician: keyboards (1980-)
Alan Rubin .... musician: trumpet (1975-1983)
G.E. Smith .... musical director (1986-1995)
G.E. Smith .... musician: lead guitar (1985-1995)
Kenny Vance .... musical director (1980-1981)
Jay Vicari .... music mixer (1986-)
Paul Waterman .... musical contractor

Other crew
Gregory Aull .... senior video (1995-1996)
Chris Bagnall .... assistant to director: film unit (2000-2003)
Keirda Bahruth .... film production unit (1998-1999)
Keirda Bahruth .... film production (1997)
Del Close .... acting coach (1981-1982)
Frank Grisanti .... senior video (1995-1996)
Ken Halsband .... production assistant
Paul Irwin .... location assistant
Daniel Joseph .... production intern (1993-1994)
Raphael Kryszek .... segment producer (E! version)
Danny Meltzer .... production assistant
Ryan Middleton .... production assistant
Soren Miltich .... production assistant
Fred Northup .... assistant to producer (1993)
Jay Rabins .... production assistant
Christine Lisa Racinez .... executive assistant: Lorne Michaels' office
Carol Riggins .... animal trainer
Michael Riley .... title designer
J. Ryan .... production assistant (1996-1997)
Pavun Shetty .... assistant: Mr. Michaels
Rhys Thomas .... production assistant
William Vaccaro .... senior video
Ashley Vuckovich .... freelance production assistant

Production Companies
NBC Studios
Broadway Video
Other Companies
Number Seventeen graphics (as Number 17)
Bill PansIt       took this from tom hanks IMdb . . 11-17-2012 08:08 AM
took this from tom hanks IMdb . .
"Saturday Night Live" Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (1996)

Peter Austin Noto 3rd of from bottom for cast

Directors:Beth McCarthy-Miller
J.J. Sedelmaier
Writers:Cindy Caponera (writer)
Stephen Colbert (writer)
(more)Contact:View company contact information for Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers on IMDbPro.TV Series:"Saturday Night Live" (1975)Original Air Date:28 September 1996 (Season 22, Episode 1) Genre:Comedy | Music See more »Plot:Add synopsis »Plot Keywords:
Cast(Episode Cast)

Jim Breuer ... Various

Steve Carell ... Gary (voice) (as Steven Carell)

Bill Chott ... Announcer (voice)

Stephen Colbert ... Ace (voice)

Will Ferrell ... Various / Steve Butabi / Craig

Ana Gasteyer ... Various / Andie MacDowell

Darrell Hammond ... Various / Bill Clinton / Jay Leno

Tom Hanks ... Himself - Host / Peter Jennings / Roxbury Guy
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers ... Themselves - Musical Guest

Chris Kattan ... Various / Doug Butabi / Kippy Strug / Mr. Peepers

Norm MacDonald ... Various / Weekend Update Anchor / Bob Dole

Mark McKinney ... Various / Coach Bella

Tim Meadows ... Various

Tracy Morgan ... Various

Cheri Oteri ... Various / Ross Perot / Arianna

Don Pardo ... Himself - Announcer (voice)
Lenny Pickett ... Himself - Bandleader

Colin Quinn ... Various

Molly Shannon ... Various

Robert Smigel ... Various / Various Voices

Fred Wolf ... Various

Mike Kimmel ... Prisoner (uncredited)
Andy Murphy ... Old Suspect (uncredited)

Peter Austin Noto ... Various Characters (uncredited)

Ryan Shiraki ... Roxburry dancer (uncredited)

Kerri Strug ... Herself (uncredited)
Glory Beamer       Tom Hanks Monologue for the 9 28 96 show 12-8-2012 10:22 AM
re: 9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks
Saturday Night Live: Tom Hanks Monologue
Season 22 : Episode 1
Tom Hanks' monologue; he reads his acceptance speech that he would have made at the Academy Awards.
Leslie Moore       Tom Hanks 22 Episode 1The Roxbury Guys 12-15-2012 07:17 AM
Tom Hanks 22: Episode 1The Roxbury Guys
Season 2Season 22: Episode 1
Tom Hanks 22: Episode 1The Roxbury Guys

96a: Tom Hanks / Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

The Roxbury Guys

Steve Butabi.....Will Ferrell
Doug Butabi.....Chris Kattan
Fellow Roxbury Guy.....Tom Hanks

96a: Tom Hanks / Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

The Roxbury Guys

Steve Butabi.....Will Ferrell
Doug Butabi.....Chris Kattan
Fellow Roxbury Guy.....Tom Hanks

Music: “What is Love” by Haddaway.

[Open to 921 E. 15th St. Apt. 3B, outside, 9:00 PM]

[Cut to the Roxbury Brothers bathroom, in which Steve, Doug, and their fellow member are bopping their heads while brushing their teeth. They turn around, spit out the mix of water and toothpaste, and wipe their mouths with towels, which they throw away soon after. They then spray their hair with hairspray, and blow-dry it. Steve sprays hair gel everywhere, and they leave]

[Cut to a busy New York street at 10:00 PM, with the Roxbury Guys bopping their heads while walking. On the way, they see a beggar with 3 buckets. The Roxbury Guys take them, and do John Travolta's strut from "Saturday Night Fever" as The Bee Gees' "Staying Alive" plays. As they are about to enter the subway, they throw the buckets, and “What is Love” starts playing again. They then walk down the stairs to the subway train]

[Cut to the outside of Train #1, 10:05 PM]

[Cut to the inside of Train #1, with the 3 Roxbury Guys bopping their heads; Steve has a boom box with him, which is playing “What is Love”]

[A fat African American man walks in, and stares at Steve strangely. The music stops. As the man leaves, the music turns back on again, and the guys continue to bop their heads.]

[Cut to the outside-front of Train #1]

Cut to The China Club, 10:15 PM]

[Cut to the inside of the China Club, where everyone is dancing. Still dancing, they back away, and we see the Roxbury Guys, still bopping their heads. They turn around while drinking wine out of bottles.]

Doug Butabi: [Gets infront of the 3] Hey, hey! You wanna dance with us? You wanna dance with me, huh? No? Right… [Returns to the bar]

Steve Butabi: [Gets infront of the 3] Hey, you wanna dance? No? Okay!

Fellow Roxbury Guy: Hey! Haha! C’mon! You wanna dance with me? No? Okay.

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: [They see a woman come in, who has a glass of milk, and unexpectedly bounce her around with their chests. Her drink is splashing everywhere on the Guy’s clothes] HEY! YEAH! How ya doin’? Yeah!

Woman: [Panicking] Ahhh!!! [She runs off, screaming]

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: [mumbling happily to themselves, Thinking they scored]

Fellow Roxbury Guy: [Speaking gibberish, and pointing to where the woman left. They run over there, then the crowd dances into the screen and again]

[Cut to the door of the men’s bathroom]

[Cut inside the men’s bathroom, in which the Roxbury Guys are urinating while bopping their heads up and down. The woman from earlier appears and taps Steve’s back, and police officers come in, taking them away. They quickly zip their zippers up, yelling angrily]

[Cut to Midtown Precinct South, 11:30 PM]

[Cut to the inside of the station, in which old men, and our 3 Roxbury Guys are getting their mug shots taken, while bopping their heads, and turning them afterwards for side-profile shots]

Steve, Doug, and Fellow Roxbury Guy: Me? Him? No, me? Him? Me? Heh? Him? Me?

[Cut to a man with a teal shirt, handcuffed]

[Cut to Riker’s Island, (an island for prisoners), Midnight]

[Cut to the Guy’s prison cell, their heads still bopping]

[A police officers comes and unlocks their cell]

Doug Butabi: Hey! All right!

Steve Butabi: Yeah! Ha, all right!

Fellow Roxbury Guy: Me? Oh me? Yeah!

[The Fellow Guy and Steve leave the cell, but Doug is still left in there in the cell]

Doug Butabi: Heey! Wha, wha, wha, whaaat? [Fellow prisoners come in] Okay! Yeah! [Two fat prisoners bounce Doug around with their stomachs] Wha wha wha whaaaaat! Whoa, whoa! Aah!

[Fade to black]

Submitted by: Lonnie Fukuda

jojo       Episode Reviews Season 22 1996-97 1-19-2013 08:24 AM
Episode Reviews Season 22 1996-97

COLD: This was ABC News with Peter Jennings (Hanks) who interviewed Bill Clinton (Hammond), Bob Dole (MacDonald), and Perot (Oteri). Everyone was sure that Clinton won already, despite the election not being held yet. Not a bad way to start off the year at all. Norm also fell off of the podium three times, spoofing the time Dole fell when he leaned on an unsecure railing. Perot would get cut off frequently. Hanks didn’t really do much of an impression fro Jennings. Oteri did okay as Perot, but her voice was too high-pitched. Clinton had some funny lines, like stating how he inhaled and filled as scuba tank with dope and smoked it across the English Channel. McKinney popped in very quickly as Al Gore. This was a bit long, but still funny.
RATING: ***1/2

Some cast changes here. David Koechner, Nancy Walls, and David Spade have left the show. Ana Gasteyer and Tracy Morgan have been added. Chris Kattan has been promoted to a repertory player. The montage is a bit different as the photos and lettering have changed.

MONO: Hanks states how it was good to be back on the show now that it was decent again, mentioning how he avoided it like the plague during the crappy seasons. He stated he didn’t have that good of a year because he did not win an Oscar. He then delivered the Oscar speech he would have used if he won the award. This wasn’t anything special, but his comments about the show being decent again just shows how much this cast saved the show. Looking back, they really made the show watchable again and if they had failed, who knows if the show would still be on the air.
RATING: **1/2

BIG BRAWN FEMININE NAPKINS: This featured a giant lumberjack (Ferrell) who gave a woman (Shannon a feminine napkin. This was pretty funny and the jingle was well done. Nice commercial parody to start off the season.

THE ROXBURY GUYS: This had Hanks join the Roxbury Guys (Ferrell & Kattan) as the club hopped all over the place. Hanks really did a badf job with the head-bobbing and dancing. Tracy Morgan makes his SNL debut by walking by the guys o the subway and shaking his head in disbelief. Fred Wolf played a painter and Colin Quinn was the cop who let them out of the jail cell. Neither were credited in the cast for this episode.

HEY, REMEMBER THE 80’S: Goat Boy (Breuer) was back, this time as the host of an MTV show. His guest were Andrew Ridgley from Wham (Hanks), Tina Yothers (Oteri), and William “Refrigerator” Perry (Morgan). The Goat noises happened way too frequently during this sketch. It wasn’t totally horrible, as Hanks did an okay job reacting to Goat Boy and Morgan made me laugh as Perry. Oteri as Yothers did nothing.

SPARTAN CHEERLEADERS: The Spartans (Oteri & Ferrell) are back and cheering at a ping-pong tournament. The found out that they failed the tryout for the real Squad and were visited by the spirit of Spartan Past (Hanks). These characters weren’t stale at this point and Ferrell was pretty damn funny in this. The cheers themselves didn’t do a whole lot for me though. They are really trying to establish recurring characters for the rest of the season.
RATING: **1/2

TV FUNHOUSE: The debut of the Smigel cartoons. This was the Ambiguously Gay Duo, who where saving the world from evil. This was good, but not as much that the future installments would be. The car crashing through the wall always makes me laugh.
RATING: ***1/2

WEEKEND UPDATE: Norm was good tonight, but the audience didn’t’ react a t all to several of his jokes. I though that the Airline joke was crap, but that was the only time he really bombed tonight. His best jokes were the O.J. trial video, Mexican Border, Culkin/Home Alone, and Dr. Kevorkian. Ana Gasteyer makes her SNL debut as MTV personality Kincaid. She kept on referencing past TV shows during the commentary. I though this was terrible and every bit annoying as most Wiig characters if you ask me. Keri Strug came out with her brother Kippy (Kattan) to discuss the Summer Olympics. This was good and a big hit with the live audience. Kattan used a voice that mimicked Keri’s. Norm ended update by taking off his mic and walking away.
RATING: ***1/2

THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO: Leno (Hammond) had his guests Andie Macdowell (Gasteyer) and Mr. Peepers (Kattan) and his handler (Hanks). Peepers was wreaking havoc on the set. Kattan was funny in this and I didn’t mind this at all, although they ran this into the ground rather quickly. Him humping Macdowell was funny and Leno spouting off lame jokes amid the chaos was good as well.
RATING: ***1/2

CREATIVITY TEST: Mr.Tolson (Hanks) is sent to a therapist (Meadows) in order to test his creativity. Tolson is having great difficulty formulating an original thought and copies the words used by the therapist for his answers. This started off slow but was really good once it developed. The end when Tolson gave a fully detailed story was quite funny.
RATING: ****

CLASSIC SING-A-LONG WITH THE DRUNKEN ASSES: Unfortunately, the copy I have of this show only shows the last 30 seconds of the sketch. I am going from memory on this rating. I thought this was great and the terrible and off-key singing was hilarious. The tag line was that they were too drunk to remember the lyrics.
RATING: ****

BRIEF HISTORIES: This detailed the Donner party. It talked about how they entertained themselves in a variety of ways and the at the end mentioned how they ate each other. This was like a combination of “Deep Thoughts and Fuzzy Memories.” The set up for the joke took too long and it’s not like the punchline was unpredictable or anything.

OVERALL: Good show. This highlighted hit characters from the previous season (Roxbury Guys, Cheerleaders) and characters they wanted to develop as hits for this season (Goat Boy, Peepers). Hanks wasn’t given a ton to do on this show. Next show is hosted by Lisa Kudrow with musical guest Sheryl Crow.















1. Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers-3.09
Skippy Bowls       September 28th, 1996 1-26-2013 08:08 AM
Saturday Night Live Transcripts

Season 22: Episode 1

Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


September 28th, 1996

Tom Hanks

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers


Kerri Strug

Andy Murphy

ABC News Election Report
Summary: Peter Jennings (Tom Hanks) moderates as President Bill Clinton (Darrell Hammond), Bob Dole (Norm MacDonald) and Ross Perot (Cheri Oteri) bicker during their debate.

Recurring Characters: Peter Jennings, President Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot, Al Gore.


Tom Hanks' Monologue
Summary: Tom Hanks reads the Oscar acceptance speech he disn't get to use this year.

Also Hosted: 85e, 87l, 88a, 89m, 90h, 91s, 05q.

Big Brawn Feminine Napkins
Summary: When it comes to feminine hygeine, Big Brawn equates the feeling of a lumberjack (Will Ferrell) between your knees.


The Roxbury Guys
Summary: Another new club hopper (Tom Hanks) joins Steve (Will Ferrell) and Doug Butabi (Chris Kattan) in a wild night carousing, hitting on women, and landing in jail.

Recurring Characters: Doug Butabi, Steve Butabi.


Hey, Remember The 80's
Summary: Goat Boy (Jim Breuer) hosts an 80's flashback show on M-TV.

Recurring Characters: Goat Boy, Tina Yothers, William "The Refrigerator" Perry.

Spartan Cheerleaders
Summary: Craig (Will Ferrell) and Arianna (Cheri Oteri) are visited by the Spartan Spirit (Tom Hanks).

Recurring Characters: Craig, Arianna.

TV Funhouse
Summary: Superheroes Ace and Gary, the Ambiguously Gay Duo, fall victim to a trap set by their nemesis Big Head, who yearns for world domination and the opportunity to out his foes.


Weekend Update with Norm MacDonald
Summary: M-TV airhead Kincaid (Ana Gasteyer) references past TV shows during her commentary. Kerry Strug and her brother Kippy (Chris Kattan) discuss their experiences at the Olympics in Atlanta.

Recurring Characters: Kincaid.


Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers performs "Walls"

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Summary: Missing link Mr. Peepers (Chris Kattan) wreaks havoc on the set of "The Tonight Show."

Recurring Characters: Jay Leno, Andie MacDowell, Mr. Peepers.


Creativity Test
Summary: Mr. Tolson (Tom Hanks) finds it an arduous challenge to come up with one original thought.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers performs "Angel Dream"

Classic Sing-along with the Drunken Asses
Summary: They love to sing, but they're too drunk to remember the lyrics.

Brief Histories
Summary: Cannibalism within the Donner Party is recalled.


Dress Rehearsal Cuts

Mary Katherine Gallagher
Summary: Mary Katherine Gallagher (Molly Shannon) participates in a school production of MacBeth.

Recurring Characters: Mary Katherine Gallagher, Patrick.


COMODORE       more ...9 28 96 PAN 1st SNL w Tom Hanks 3-9-2013 07:22 AM
more ...9 28 96 PAN 1st SNL w Tom Hanks
Saturday Night Live - The Twenty-Second Season
Tom Hanks, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (9/28/1996)
Lisa Kudrow, Sheryl Crow (10/5/1996)
Bill Pullman, New Edition (10/19/1996)
Dana Carvey, Dr. Dre (10/26/1996)
Chris Rock, The Wallflowers (11/2/1996)
Phil Hartman, Bush (11/23/1996)
Martin Short, No Doubt (12/7/1996)
Rosie O'Donnell, Whitney Houston (12/14/1996)
Kevin Spacey, Beck (1/11/1997)
David Alan Grier, Snoop Doggy Dog (1/18/1997)
Neve Campbell, David Bowie (2/8/1997)
Chevy Chase, Live (2/15/1997)
Alec Baldwin, Howard Stern, Tina Turner (2/22/1997)
Sting, Veruca Salt (3/15/1997)
Mike Myers, Aerosmith (3/22/1997)
Rob Lowe, Spice Girls (4/12/1997)
Pamela Lee, Rollins Band (4/19/1997)
John Goodman, Jewel (5/10/1997)
Jeff Goldblum, En Vogue (5/17/1997)
BassChickPAN       Tom Hanks Monologue 9 28 96 4-13-2013 09:28 AM
Tom Hanks Monologue 9 28 96
Saturday Night Live: Tom Hanks Monologue
Season 22 : Episode 1
Tom Hanks' monologue; he reads his acceptance speech that he would have made at the Academy Awards.
Aired: 9/28/96
Views: 318
Network: NBC
Related Links:
maddy       four photos from the 9 28 96 show 4-13-2013 12:42 PM
four photos from the 9 28 96 show

9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks
Zoo Loo       ON FACEBOOK 4-13-2013 12:51 PM
ForeignLondon       Saturday Night Live Transcripts 5-11-2013 11:27 AM
Saturday Night Live Transcripts
From that historical night !!!

Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


September 28th, 1996

Tom Hanks

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers


Kerri Strug

Andy Murphy

ABC News Election Report
Summary: Peter Jennings (Tom Hanks) moderates as President Bill Clinton (Darrell Hammond), Bob Dole (Norm MacDonald) and Ross Perot (Cheri Oteri) bicker during their debate.

Recurring Characters: Peter Jennings, President Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ross Perot, Al Gore.


Tom Hanks' Monologue
Summary: Tom Hanks reads the Oscar acceptance speech he disn't get to use this year.

Also Hosted: 85e, 87l, 88a, 89m, 90h, 91s, 05q.

Big Brawn Feminine Napkins
Summary: When it comes to feminine hygeine, Big Brawn equates the feeling of a lumberjack (Will Ferrell) between your knees.


The Roxbury Guys
Summary: Another new club hopper (Tom Hanks) joins Steve (Will Ferrell) and Doug Butabi (Chris Kattan) in a wild night carousing, hitting on women, and landing in jail.

Recurring Characters: Doug Butabi, Steve Butabi.


Hey, Remember The 80's
Summary: Goat Boy (Jim Breuer) hosts an 80's flashback show on M-TV.

Recurring Characters: Goat Boy, Tina Yothers, William "The Refrigerator" Perry.

Spartan Cheerleaders
Summary: Craig (Will Ferrell) and Arianna (Cheri Oteri) are visited by the Spartan Spirit (Tom Hanks).

Recurring Characters: Craig, Arianna.

TV Funhouse
Summary: Superheroes Ace and Gary, the Ambiguously Gay Duo, fall victim to a trap set by their nemesis Big Head, who yearns for world domination and the opportunity to out his foes.


Weekend Update with Norm MacDonald
Summary: M-TV airhead Kincaid (Ana Gasteyer) references past TV shows during her commentary. Kerry Strug and her brother Kippy (Chris Kattan) discuss their experiences at the Olympics in Atlanta.

Recurring Characters: Kincaid.


Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers performs "Walls"

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Summary: Missing link Mr. Peepers (Chris Kattan) wreaks havoc on the set of "The Tonight Show."

Recurring Characters: Jay Leno, Andie MacDowell, Mr. Peepers.


Creativity Test
Summary: Mr. Tolson (Tom Hanks) finds it an arduous challenge to come up with one original thought.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers performs "Angel Dream"

Classic Sing-along with the Drunken Asses
Summary: They love to sing, but they're too drunk to remember the lyrics.

Brief Histories
Summary: Cannibalism within the Donner Party is recalled.


Dress Rehearsal Cuts

Mary Katherine Gallagher
Summary: Mary Katherine Gallagher (Molly Shannon) participates in a school production of MacBeth.

Recurring Characters: Mary Katherine Gallagher, Patrick.

Yently Yard       show on the IMDb . season ends tonight 5-18-2013 06:02 AM
the show on the IMDb
9 28 96 Peters 1st SNL w Tom Hanks
28 September 1996 (Season 22, Episode 1)
User Rating:

2.8/10 25 votes »
Beth McCarthy-Miller
J.J. Sedelmaier

Cindy Caponera (writer)
Stephen Colbert (writer)
View company contact information for Tom Hanks/Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers on IMDbPro.
TV Series:
"Saturday Night Live" (1975)
Original Air Date:
28 September 1996 (Season 22, Episode 1)
Comedy | Music See more »
Add synopsis »
Plot Keywords:
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(Episode Cast)

Jim Breuer ... Various

Steve Carell ... Gary (voice) (as Steven Carell)

Bill Chott ... Announcer (voice)

Stephen Colbert ... Ace (voice)

Will Ferrell ... Various / Steve Butabi / Craig

Ana Gasteyer ... Various / Andie MacDowell

Darrell Hammond ... Various / Bill Clinton / Jay Leno

Tom Hanks ... Himself - Host / Peter Jennings / Roxbury Guy
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers ... Themselves - Musical Guest

Chris Kattan ... Various / Doug Butabi / Kippy Strug / Mr. Peepers

Norm MacDonald ... Various / Weekend Update Anchor / Bob Dole

Mark McKinney ... Various / Coach Bella

Tim Meadows ... Various

Tracy Morgan ... Various

Cheri Oteri ... Various / Ross Perot / Arianna

Don Pardo ... Himself - Announcer (voice)
Lenny Pickett ... Himself - Bandleader

Colin Quinn ... Various

Molly Shannon ... Various

Robert Smigel ... Various / Various Voices

Fred Wolf ... Various

Mike Kimmel ... Prisoner (uncredited)
Andy Murphy ... Old Suspect (uncredited)

Peter Austin Noto ... Various Characters (uncredited)

Ryan Shiraki ... Roxburry dancer (uncredited)

Kerri Strug ... Herself (uncredited)

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Episode Crew

Directed by
Beth McCarthy-Miller
J.J. Sedelmaier (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Writing credits
(in alphabetical order)
Ross Abrash writer
David Breckman writer
Cindy Caponera writer
Robert Carlock writer
Stephen Colbert writer
James Downey writer
Hugh Fink writer
Tom Gianas writer
Tim Herlihy writer
Steve Higgins writer
Norm Hiscock writer
Adam McKay writer
Dennis McNicholas writer
Lorne Michaels writer
Lori Nasso writer
Paula Pell writer
Matt Piedmont writer
Colin Quinn writer
Frank Sebastiano writer
Robert Smigel writer
Andrew Steele writer
Scott Wainio writer
Fred Wolf writer

Produced by
Ken Aymong .... supervising producer
James Downey .... consulting producer (as Jim Downey)
James Downey .... producer: Weekend Update
Marci Klein .... associate producer
Lorne Michaels .... executive producer
Tanya Ryno .... line producer (film segments)
J.J. Sedelmaier .... producer (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
Michael Shoemaker .... associate producer
James Signorelli .... film segment producer
Robert Smigel .... producer (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Production Design by
Eugene Lee
Keith Raywood (as Keith Ian Raywood)
Akira Yoshimura

Art Direction by
Peter Baran

Costume Design by
Tom Broecker

Makeup Department
Francesca Buccellato .... makeup artist
Lisa Hazell .... hair stylist
Michael Maddi .... makeup artist (as Mike Maddi)
Jeffrey Rebelo .... wig stylist

Production Management
David Nickoll .... production manager: film unit

Art Department
Dan Bleier .... property master (as Frank)
Larry Demmler .... property master
Steve Demmler .... chief props
Joe Reilly .... chief carpenter

Visual Effects by
Tara Donnelly .... lead graphic designer

Brian Smyj .... stunt coordinator (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department
Phil Hyms .... lighting consultant (as Phil Hymes)
Norman Ng .... still photographer

Animation Department
Dean Lennert .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
J.J. Sedelmaier .... designer
David Wachtenheim .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")
Tom Warburton .... animator (segment "Saturday TV Funhouse")

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Bruce Brumage .... wardrobe
J. Douglas James .... wardrobe
Margaret Karolyi .... wardrobe
Dale Richards .... wardrobe

Editorial Department
Katherine Babiak .... video tape
Ed Hinch .... video tape

Music Department
Lewis Del Gatto .... musical arranger
Cheryl Hardwick .... musical director
Lenny Pickett .... musical director
Hal Willner .... sketch music adaptations
John Zonars .... music supervisor

Other crew
Steven Cimino .... technical director
Wally Feresten .... cue cards
Stacey Foster .... technical consultant
James Kiernan .... production assistant: film unit

Series Crew
These people are regular crew members. Were they in this episode?

Directed by
Mike de Seve (Mike Judge's "Milton" series) (as Mike DeSeve)
Christopher Guest (film segments) (1984-1985)
Robert Smigel (segment "TV Funhouse") (1996-)

Writing credits
(in alphabetical order)
Gracie P. Aylward segment co-writer (as Patty 'Gracie' Aylward)
Steve Bannos guest writer
Barry W. Blaustein 1980-1983
Beth Cahill 1991-1992
Chris Cluess
Robert Cohen
Ian Edwards guest writer
Spike Feresten Seinfeld episode
Richard Goteri Weekend Update
Brad Hall 1982-1984
Stu Kreisman
Tim Meadows 1991-1993
Lorne Michaels creator
Dennis Miller 1985-1991 (uncredited)
David Misch 1984-1985
Mike Myers 1989-1993
Andrew Hill Newman
Gilda Radner 1975-1980
Lue Rennie
Mike Royce additional material
T. Sean Shannon 1996-
David Spade 1993-1996 (uncredited)
Peter Tauber
Scott Wainio 2006
Marc Weiner 1981 (uncredited)
Jim Wise guest writer (1998)

Produced by
Jim L. Clark .... animation producer: TV Funhouse (episode "Blue Christmas")
Audrey Peart Dickman .... producer (?-2002)
Merritt Duff .... associate producer
Lori Jo Hoekstra .... coordinating producer
Barbara Lieberman .... producer (1981-1984)
Pam Thomas .... producer (as Pamela Thomas)

Original Music by
Michael Z. Gordon
Charles Moore
Howard Shore

Cinematography by
Alexander Buono (5 seasons)

Film Editing by
Derek McCants (1985-1986)
Howard Silver

Set Decoration by
Lee Mayman

Makeup Department
Jennifer Aspinall .... makeup department head (1989-1991)
Andy Clement .... makeup artist
Robin Day .... hair stylist (1991-1995, 2000-2003)
Robin Day .... wig stylist (1991-1995, 2000-2003)
Valerie Gladstone-Appel .... hair stylist
Wanda Gregory .... hair stylist
Vivian Maxwell .... makeup artist (2003)
Theo Mayes .... makeup artist (1988-1991, various episodes)
Andrea Miller .... makeup artist
David Presto .... makeup artist
Adina Shore .... assistant hair stylist (1995)
Martel Thompson .... makeup artist
Gigi Williams .... makeup artist (1989-1990)
Louie Zakarian .... key makeup (1997-2002)
Louie Zakarian .... makeup department head (1997-2002)
Michael Marino .... prosthetic makeup artist (1998-2001) (uncredited)
Gabriella Pollino .... hair stylist (1989-1991) (uncredited)

Production Management
Kristian Forland .... assistant production manager
Tanya Ryno .... production supervisor: TV Funhouse/Commercial Parodies (1994-2000)
Will Shepard .... production manager: film unit

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Jim Bigham .... assistant director
Matthew Laurance .... assistant director (1977-1980)

Art Department
Peter Allburn .... scenic artist
Charles E. McCarry .... set designer (1982-1983)
Todd Rutt .... graphic artist
Robert Saccenti .... property master (segment "Bear City")

Sound Department
Leslie Carangi .... additional adr artist (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Kenneth Hunter .... sound recordist: film segments (1976-1977)
Robert Liftin .... sound consultant (1975-1987)
Daniel McIntosh .... production sound mixer: film segments (2001-)
Scott Schachter .... sound mixer (1975-1985)

Special Effects by
Vincent J. Guastini .... prosthetic makeup artist (1998-2000) (uncredited)

Nancy Ellen Anzalone .... stunt performer
Leslie Carangi .... second unit stunts (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Bob Colletti .... stunts
Edward Conna .... stunts
Jeffrey Lee Gibson .... stunt coordinator (multiple episodes)
Cort Hessler .... stunt driver: 2000
Jalil Jay Lynch .... stunts: 1998
Alex Wen .... stunts: 1998

Camera and Electrical Department
Leslie Carangi .... stand-in: on-camera (as Leslie Carangi Kelley)
Marc Karzen .... still photographer (1980-1990 uncredited)
Nate Ranger .... assistant camera
Michael Ruiz .... video controller

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Joseph La Corte .... costumer

Editorial Department
Kenneth Hunter .... assistant editor: film segments (1976-1977)

Music Department
Katreese Barnes .... musician: keyboards (2000-)
Thomas Barney .... musician: bass (1983-1985 and 1995-2000)
Ron Blake .... musician: baritone saxophone (2005-)
Lewis Del Gatto .... music arranger (1977-1979 and 1985-2005) (as Lew Del Gatto)
Lewis Del Gatto .... musician: saxophone (1977-1979, 1985-1995 and 1998-2005) (as Lew Del Gatto)
Lukasz Gottwald .... musician: guitar (1997-)
Cheryl Hardwick .... musical director (1986-2000)
Cheryl Hardwick .... musician: keyboards (1975-1980 and 1985-2000)
Howard Johnson .... conductor (1975-1980)
Howard Johnson .... musician: tuba (1975-1980)
Tom Malone .... musician: trombone (1975-1985)
Lou Marini .... musician: saxophone (1975-1983)
The Marketts .... musician
Robert Palladino .... music mixer (1985-1986)
Leon Pendarvis .... musician: keyboards (1980-)
Alan Rubin .... musician: trumpet (1975-1983)
G.E. Smith .... musical director (1986-1995)
G.E. Smith .... musician: lead guitar (1985-1995)
Kenny Vance .... musical director (1980-1981)
Jay Vicari .... music mixer (1986-)
Paul Waterman .... musical contractor

Other crew
Gregory Aull .... senior video (1995-1996)
Chris Bagnall .... assistant to director: film unit (2000-2003)
Keirda Bahruth .... film production unit (1998-1999)
Keirda Bahruth .... film production (1997)
Del Close .... acting coach (1981-1982)
Frank Grisanti .... senior video (1995-1996)
Ken Halsband .... production assistant
Paul Irwin .... location assistant
Daniel Joseph .... production intern (1993-1994)
Raphael Kryszek .... segment producer (E! version)
Danny Meltzer .... production assistant
Ryan Middleton .... production assistant
Soren Miltich .... production assistant
Fred Northup .... assistant to producer (1993)
Jay Rabins .... production assistant
Christine Lisa Racinez .... executive assistant: Lorne Michaels' office
Carol Riggins .... animal trainer
Michael Riley .... title designer
J. Ryan .... production assistant (1996-1997)
Pavun Shetty .... assistant: Mr. Michaels
Rhys Thomas .... production assistant
William Vaccaro .... senior video
Ashley Vuckovich .... freelance production assistant

Production Companies
NBC Studios
Broadway Video
Other Companies
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