Have you ever wondered if you can improve your luck?
Why does one person get sick while another stays healthy? Why does one person seem to find wealth and prosperity everywhere, while another never succeeds at anything? Many believe that the answer is luck.
For some people, good luck comes naturally. But if you feel like the old saying, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" applies to you, there's good news: it is possible to turn your luck around.
Here are eight popular methods bring good luck into your life. Try them and see whether you feel luckier. When you're done, try my fun quiz, Are You Lucky?
An optimistic viewpoint can improve your luck. - Image © Michelangelo Gratton / Getty Images Thinking the Glass is Half Full Can Improve Your Luck. Image © Michelangelo Gratton / Getty Images 1. Positive Thinking Attracts Luck If you are the type of person who believes that the glass is half full, not half empty, than you're already familiar with positive thinking. Studies have actually shown that being optimistic can relieve stress and help you live longer. But can it help you to win sweepstakes, too?
Absolutely. One of the most challenging aspects of entering sweepstakes is that nagging feeling that you will never really win - or that you will never win again. It's hard to enter sweepstakes day after day with no guarantee that you'll win - and it's nearly impossible to keep it up if you have a negative attitude about it. More »
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You've got to spread joy up to the maximum Bring gloom down to the minimum Have faith or pandemonium's Liable to walk upon the scene.
In other words, focus on the positive aspects of sweeping to keep charged up and motivated to win more. More »
Writing Out Affirmations Can Reinforce Positive Thinking - Image © Andersen Ross / Getty Images Writing Out Affirmations Can Reinforce Positive Thinking. Image © Andersen Ross / Getty Images 3. Affirmations Reinforce Lucky Thinking If you watched the movie, Evan Almighty, you might have noticed that Evan's character starts every morning by looking in the mirror and saying, "I am smart, I am successful, I am happy." This is an affirmation. Affirmations are ways of planting the seeds of success in our subconscious, helping us to think positively and to be more prepared for success. As W. Clement Stone said, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Affirmations are always positive, in the first person, and in the present tense. You can write them out or repeat them to yourself several times each day. Some good affirmations to improve your luck might be, "I am lucky, I am open to success, I am a winner." More »
Ads High-Tech Safe Adult Toys High-Quality Phthalate-Free Adult Merchandise. Imported and Domestic. 1 Tip of a flat belly : Cut down a bit of your belly every day by using this 1 weird old tip. Feng Shui Can Help Improve Your Luck. - Image © Akira Kaede / Getty Images Feng Shui Can Help Improve Your Luck. Image © Akira Kaede / Getty Images 4. Feng Shui Lets Luck Flow Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art designed to bring balance, health, and even luck to the people who practice it. Some dismiss feng shui as superstition, but the principles of this art can help you to be more productive, more positive, and less distracted. For example, one of the principles of feng shui is that clutter has a negative effect on your energy levels. And it's true - a messy, disorganized area makes it difficult to find what you need and to concentrate on your work.
Imagine that your sweepstakes entry area is clean and tidy, everything you need within your reach. You can concentrate on your sweeps, and get more entries in less time. Can't you just feel your luck starting to increase? More »
Four-Leafed Clovers, a Symbol of Luck. - Image © Rosemary Calvert / Getty Images Four-Leafed Clovers, a Symbol of Luck. Image © Rosemary Calvert / Getty Images 5. Lucky Charms and Rituals Many sweepers swear that they have increased their luck by wearing a favorite pair of socks or t-shirt as they enter sweepstakes, or by having lucky symbols like four-leafed clovers, ladybugs, or even Troll dolls near their computers while they enter. Still others perform some kind of lucky rituals before they start their daily sweepstakes. But this is superstitious nonsense, right?
Not necessarily. Using lucky charms and rituals makes you feel luckier, happier, and more optimistic. This positive attitude makes it easier to keep entering sweepstakes, and thus improves your chances of winning. For more information, see Lucky Charms Don't Work -- Or Do They?. More »
Ads Social Security Shutdown Born before 1969? You can get an extra $4,098 monthly with this Karma Can Help Improve Your Luck. - Image © Philip and Karen Smith / Getty Images Giving Sweepers a Helping Hand Can Improve Luck. Image © Philip and Karen Smith / Getty Images 6. Increase Your Karma, Get Luckier Karma is one of the principle tenets of Hindu philosophy, but it can be simply summarized as, "What Goes Around, Comes Around." In other words, if you do good things, more good things happen to you and the luckier you'll be.
In sweepstakes terms, many sweepers promote good karma by sharing trivia answers and UPC codes, posting links to new sweepstakes, and doing everything they can to help others win. While it might seem to be smarter in the short run to keep the contests and answers that you find to yourself, everyone needs some help and encouragement at some point. Helping each other to win increases the luck of the entire sweepstakes community. More »
Prayer and Meditation Can Help Improve Luck. - Image © Stockbyte / Getty Images Prayer and Meditation Can Help Improve Luck. Image © Stockbyte / Getty Images 7. Increasing Luck Through Spirituality and Prayer Many people turn to a greater power to help them increase their luck. Some say a prayer before they start to enter sweepstakes, asking God to help them win what they need, or to help the prize go to the person who needs it most. Some feel that asking God for specific prizes is inappropriate, but ask instead for the strength and the positive attitude they need to not give up and to keep entering sweepstakes.
Others ask the Universe to send them luck, prizes, or a positive attitude, or they use meditation to help them focus and enter more quickly and persistently.
All of these methods can have a positive effect on a sweeper's outlook, helping them feel - and be - more lucky. More »
Persistence is Crucial to Winning Sweepstakes. - Image © Inti St. Clair / Getty Images Persistence is Crucial to Winning Sweepstakes. Image © Inti St. Clair / Getty Images 8. Work Harder, Be Luckier Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." It sounds almost like he could have been a sweeper! The more work you put into entering sweepstakes, the less you need to rely on luck. The amount of luck you need to win when you enter a single sweep is much greater than the amount you need if you enter a few hundred a day.
Hard work is the secret to winning sweepstakes. By being patient, persistent, and having a positive attitude, you'll see many more lucky results with your sweepstakes entries. More »
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